Her Voices

by Pain of Salvation

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:14 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Perfect Element I (2000)

Song Author

Daniel Gildenl�w

Tabbed by

GLDF and raelthelamb


1st → Synth
2nd → Piano
3rd → Drums
4th → Bass Strings
5th → Guitar L
6th → Guitar R
7th → Clean L
8th → Bass
9th → Clean R
10th → Backing Vocals
11th → Vocals
12th → Strings
13th → Violin

File Size

150 KB




Thanks to GLDF for a great tab of this song - I've added the drums, vocals and strings. I've made a couple of changes to the guitar parts as well, particularly at the end, where I couldn't hear what was tabbed before. That section of the song is so crowded though that it's pretty hard to work out what's going on anyway. I've also changed the patches on the intro to try and make it sound a little more like the record.